Currently Claire is one of four optometrists completing Advanced Glaucoma Training with the University of Auckland. The course is designed to give experience in glaucoma management and collaborative care with ophthalmologists (eye specialists).
Medmont Visual Field Results
Claire is authorized to prescribe glaucoma medications. This expanded scope for optometrists has been in place since 2013. Claire says “in our community with a high proportion of people over 65 years of age this is valuable. Prevalence of glaucoma increases with age.”
Planning is underway for Auckland District Health Board to involve optometrists in glaucoma management and care. This will be particularly helpful for us here in Warkworth; it will reduce the burden of travel to either Greenlane Eye Clinic, or Waitakere Eye Clinic.
The initiative is designed to reduce the waiting time for appointments and glaucoma is a condition which needs ongoing check ups.