This recent story caught my eye and is worth sharing. New Zealand author Lynley Hood has been a strong advocate for the visually impaired community since she lost her own vision in 2009.
Visual Impairment Charitable Trust Aotearoa (VICTA) started as a result of her lonely and frustrating search for help. VICTA provides an independent consumer voice for New Zealanders with irreversible vision loss who are not blind enough to qualify for membership of Blind Low Vision New Zealand (BLVNZ).
She has also written eloquently about ‘Becoming Illietrate’ where she describes her frustartion with listening to audio books, and her grief at the loss of being able to read text. This is an evocative piece for anyone who loves reading, describing all the pleasure we derive from text and the written word.
Author Dr Lynley Hood
Now, so far unexplained, she has recently regained her vision. This has baffled medical specialists. I suspect she won’t be stopping to consider the why and how, instead I imagine her immersed again in her joy of reading. Read more in this article.