It was lovely to be back at prizegiving again this year at Mahurangi College and Rodney College. As always these events have a lovely sense of occasion and celebration.
At Rodney College our award went to Jaide Collinson who is heading to University of Otago planning to study a Bachelor of Dentistry.
Jaide Collinson with Claire McDonald, Rodney College
Mahurangi College student Bella McCormick wrote a lovely email to thank us for her scholarship.
Bella McCormick with Sally Adams, Mahurangi College
This scholarship will go a long way to helping me next year at Auckland University where I will be studying a Bachelor of Science. I intend to study the wider field of biology, double majoring in Biology and Marine Science. . . .The natural world is full of artistry and individuality. Unlike chemistry, physics and mathematics, there is no absolute precision in biology. No two things are exactly alike. Yet when you put it all together, the ecology of earth just works, it builds upon itself, uses its mistakes, evolves and changes - and this to me is beautiful. The biological world excites me, and I can't wait to become a part of studying it.
We wish Bella and Jaide all the best for their studies in 2023.