We are happily moving closer to Level 1, and beyond. It will be a relief for us at McDonald Adams to be able to get back to the full scope of our work, including seeing people for consultations again.
Overshadowing the successful outcome, of averting a full scale pandemic emergency in New Zealand which would have swamped our health system, are the economic forecasts. These are not uplifting. Many lives have already been impacted, in our local and national community.
We have been encouraged by messages of support like this one: “Many thanks for all your help over the last few years. Hope your business is not hurting too badly with the challenges that covid has raised and that you, your loved ones and wonderful staff are staying healthy.”
Image taken by Andrew Tunnicliffe
The situation definitely gives pause for reflection on what being a local business means to us. Such a large part of the pleasure and satisfaction we experience through our work as Optometrists comes from helping our community. Over the years (21 and counting) we have developed wonderful relationships as you trusted us with your eyes and vision. We have enjoyed continually developing our skills and growing our practice to fit the needs of our local area. Our scope of practice has extended to glaucoma management, an ever growing behavioural optometry practice for Sally, and recently we have helped foster a low vision support group.
Alongside this our team has developed and it has been wonderful to offer young people a start in a career in optics, and also gather experienced staff who chose to move to our area.
We will be seeking opportunities to support other local businesses and we hope you will too. Our sense of connection, which has strengthened through the COVID-19 alert lockdown, will see us all work together, and we look forward to this next chapter.
Nga mihi,